Thursday, July 15, 2010
Cinderella's Sister 13-16@10:55 PM
Woo! I feel like I've made an accomplishment, I've finally made it up to the point where I'm actually motivated to watch this drama. (Scratch that, make it >SOMEWHAT< motivated). It's certainly not like My Girl, My Name is Kim Sam Soon or You're Beautiful where I was urged on to continuously watch even if it meant getting up early to watch till really late and not eating or drinking. No. It's more like... Oh. I've watched this drama for so long that I've finally gotten somewhere where I don't constantly want to shoot myself for starting this drama in the first place.
You might argue it's the genre difference, but no. It's not.
Anyway. It took 15 episodes, but I'm finally somewhere good. Where the revenge plot starts!
So Hyo Seon reads the journal her dad left behind and... Gasp! Finds out about her dad's sad love story. It is sad, believe me. I actually like Dae Sung. But that's beside the point. She goes batshit crazy at this. And decides to get revenge on Kang Sook. Not fast, by kicking her out of the house. No, slow and torturous by pretending to be nice yet with silent wrath. This is the point where I really like Hyo Seon her character is now what keeps me going.
To further continue, Hyo Seon loses her sense of taste. Oh no! Although I don't see how this random plot twist has to do with much, I hope it'll do with much. Or else it's just another Korean drama cliche.
Eun Jo isn't bad either. She's becoming softer. With the whole scene with her and Hyo Seon that was a HUGE look into the soft side of her. Ironic, considering she's becoming the good guy while Hyo Seon is becoming a villain of sorts. And the fact that after she finds out about Ki Hoon and who he is that Eun Jo keeps telling him to take care of Hyo Seon. I feel like that shows her character well.
For me, my liking for Kang Sook has died down, being replaced by Hyo Seon and Eun Jo, but I still like her. The fact that she's becoming softer too, that whole line about not being punished yet and that Hyo Seon was the punishment. It's not because circumstances are hard as when she keeps saying she battles with Buddha, God and the Devil (or whatever the three were). It's because she's starting to see her own humanity. Unlike the usual depiction of the evil stepmother Kang Sook finds that she loved the Dae Sung and there's a very human part of her. Overall. The character depth is just amazing in these last two 15 and 16 episodes.

The guys in this drama have not been doing much for me lately. Jung Woo has no scenes. No. Seriously. I feel like he hasn't had his face been in this drama for the last 3 episodes. The only thing he ever does is stand there and get like 10 seconds of screen time of him just looking at people or driving to please viewers. Not even viewers. Like... 2PM fangirls that have followed him all the way here. It's just disappointing. Poor Taec. Just as the plot was getting good.
Ki Hoon on the other hand... While he still bothers me. His happy to sad change was a joy for me to watch. With his "Eun Jo it's all over now." To perhaps my favorite scene of the Eun Jo storyline.
Ki Hoon running after the car and Eun Jo speeding up and driving away was heartbreaking. I feel like this was the most tearjerking moment in the whole entire drama for me so far. It wasn't when Dae Sung died, (I was sad, but that was like a regretful sad.) No. For me it was when Ki Hoon tripped from running after Eun Jo's car. Because at this point Eun Jo is all like NO WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER EVER BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AND EVEN IF YOU'RE SOMETHING ELSE I CAN'T LISTEN TO YOU.
Ki Hoon, who was just smiling an episode before is reduced to this. So sad for me. He's willing to give everything for Eun Jo willing even to go to "the depths of Hell just to have you". So sad. Especially since he was yelling at his brother seconds before because his brother had let Eun Jo leave despite how badly she was shaking (Oh, not to mention a Taecyeon screenshot of him just listening to Ki Hoon's phone call cause he doesn't do much nowadays). So heartbreaking.
Anyway. What's saving this drama for me is the massive plot twist at the end of this drama. Although it could've and definitely SHOULD'VE come earlier. It's finally making me not try to shoot myself in the face for starting the drama. I fail to see how 3 episodes is gonna make this drama meet up to the expectations everyone had led me into, I will continue watching. Just so I can finish.
And to you Hyo Seon, Hwaiting! (sorry. I always side with the "bad guy" I realize I just tend to like them better.)
Rei ☆
PS: I haven't gotten to the scene with the snow and stuff. But I'm infinitely confused, did I miss it or something? Because Eun Jo has long hair. Don't tell me it's another fast forward thingy. And bam! Fifty million years into the future again Eun Jo and Ki Hoon are going out. So they need a snow scene. With Yellow flowers of course, and her hair is all grown out again. Whee! I like long hair Eun Jo better anyway. But I hate fast-forward scenes. I found myself fast-forwarding throughout most of Cinderella Unni anyway. Disappointing.
Labels: Cinderella's Sister, Korean Drama, Review